Aged Care

Find out which Aged Care services is available for you?


Aged Care

We specialise in array of Aged Care services and have all the necessary resources to support you.

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Home Care Packages​

A Home Care Package is a government-funded package of care and services that helps you live independently in your own home. It is designed to meet your personal needs – whether that involves a lot of support or a little.

Home Care Packages​

Help for seniors designed to make life easier and make it possible to live independently in your own home.
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Commonwealth Home Support

The Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) helps senior Australians access entry-level support services to live independently and safely at home. Instead of paying full cost for home care services, you may only need to pay a contribution towards each service you use.

Commonwealth Support

CHSP works with you to maintain your independence rather than doing things for you.
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Private Funding

Being able to continue living at home is one of the most important and challenging things many older Australians and their families make decisions about every day. There may be situations where you need, or prefer, to use a provider that isn’t subsidised by the Australian Government.

Private Funding

Here's what you need to know about paying for your care privately and our pricing.
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Home Care Packages​

A Home Care Package is a government funded package of care and services that helps you live independently in your own home. It is designed to meet your personal needs and requirements.

Home Care Packages​

Help for seniors designed to make life easier and make it possible to live independently in your own home.
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Commonwealth Program

The Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) helps senior Australians access entry-level support services to live at home. With little contribution towards each service.

Common Wealth Support

CHSP works with you to maintain your independence rather than doing things for you.
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Private Funding

Being able to continue living at home is one of the most important and challenging things many senior Australians face every day. There may be situations where you need services that are not subsidised.

Private Funding

Here's what you need to know about paying for your care privately and our pricing.
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Qualified Worker
Patients Satisfaction

Domestic Assistance

Our team of support workers can keep your home tidy, safe and clean. You can relax in a comfort of your own home in a clean and safe environment.

Social Support and Shopping

Stay active and connected with family, friends and the community.

We provide companionship at home, social groups, as well as transport and assistance for getting out and about. You can also design your own support program.